SBM Offshore is the world’s deepwater ocean-infrastructure expert. Through the design, construction, installation, and operation of offshore floating facilities, SBM plays a pivotal role in a just transition, collaborating to deliver innovative solutions as a responsible partner towards a sustainable future, balancing ocean protection with human progress.

Energy is fundamental to human progress, and it’s the cornerstone of SBM Offshore’s story. For more than 60 years, the company has been delivering complex projects and market-leading ocean infrastructure assets to the offshore energy sector.  This extensive deepwater expertise has enabled cleaner, more efficient oil and gas production and greater progress, both in core operations and in new markets. 

Today, the Dutch operator is expanding its interests within the energy industry and into other sectors of the blue economy with a strong commitment to protecting life above and below water.  This video illustrates the work happening several kilometers offshore where SBM Offshore’s core products, Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units, are busy producing around 1.5% of the world’s oil today.  Senior leaders from the organization explain the measures being taken across the lifecycle of these facilities to reduce carbon emissions, improve livelihoods, and how the company is preparing for a “better blue tomorrow.”